Creating WhatsApp Message Templates: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating well-crafted message templates in WhatsApp Business can enhance your communication with customers and streamline interactions. Follow these steps to create effective templates that align with your business goals.

Step 1: Access the Dashboard

Begin by navigating to your WhatsApp Business account Dashboard and find the “Create new Template” option, typically located in the bottom right corner of the page.

Step 2: Template Name

Give your template a unique name, using only lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores ( _ ).

Step 3: Choose Template Category

WhatsApp templates are categorized into three types:

    • Marketing: Ideal for sending promotional offers, product announcements, and more to boost awareness and engagement.

    • Utility: Use this category for sending account updates, order notifications, alerts, and other important information.

    • Authentication (not currently supported): Intended for sending secure access codes to customers.

Select the category that aligns with your template’s purpose.

Step 4: Select Language

Choose the language for your template from the available options.

Step 5: Template Type

Depending on your needs, select the template type:

    • Standard (text only): Suitable for text-based templates.

    • Media and Interactive: Choose this if your template includes media elements or interactive components.

Step 6: Main Body

In the main body section, compose the core content of your message. This is where you provide the primary information of your template.

Step 7: Body Variables

If your message needs to be personalized for each recipient, add placeholders for variables. To add a variable, place your cursor where you want it to appear and click on “Add variable.” This creates variables with numbered names, such as {{1}} for the first variable, {{2}} for the second, and so on. Define the data you want to send in these variables for review.

Step 8: Media Header (If Applicable)

For Media and Interactive templates, you may need to provide a media header. This could be either a text header or a media header, accepting only files with the extensions .png, .pdf, and .mp4.

Step 9: Footer

Add a footer if necessary. This can contain additional information or disclaimers related to your message.

Step 10: Buttons

Depending on your template’s purpose, you can add buttons for interactivity. Several button types are available:

    • Quick Reply Buttons: Predefined response options that users can select, like “Interested,” “Not interested,” or “Stop.” These can also be useful to trigger a Chatbot.

    • Call to Action Button: After specifying the phone number, this button can trigger actions like “Click to Call,” opening the Dialpad on the user’s phone.

    • Add URL Button: Use this to provide a link to an external website for redirection within the chat.

Step 11: Configure Button Details

For each button type you use, provide the necessary details. For example, if you’re using a “Click to Call” button, specify the phone number. If it’s an “Add URL” button, enter the valid website URL.

Step 12: Review and Submit

Before finalizing your template, review all the details to ensure accuracy and compliance with WhatsApp’s guidelines. Once you are satisfied, Submit it for approval.

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