How to Connect Your Phone Number to WhatsApp Business API: A Step-by-Step Guide

Connecting your phone number to WhatsApp Business API is the initial step to getting started with the platform. Follow these steps to begin:

Step 1: Sign in to your Whatsapp application panel

    • On the right side of the page, you’ll find a “Connect now” button. Alternatively, you can go to “More” on the top navigation bar and click on “WhatsApp.”.”

Step 2: Login with Facebook

    • Click on “Login with Facebook,” step and an Execute  icon will appear. Click on it.

    • A new Facebook window will open, prompting you to log in with your Facebook account.

    • After logging in, click on “Continue” and then click “Get started” to agree to WhatsApp Business Terms of Service.

Step 3: Provide Business Information

    • Here you need to fill in your business information.

    • Select a Meta business account from which you want to create a WhatsApp Business manager. If you don’t have a Facebook Business Manager account, you can create one at

    • Enter your legal business name in the “Business name” field.

    • Add your business website or a link to any of your social media profile page.

    • Select your country and click “Next.”

Step 4: Create WhatsApp Business Account

    • On the next page, click “Next” to create a WhatsApp Business account.

Step 5: Setup WhatsApp Business Profile Details

    • Enter your “WhatsApp Business account name.” This will be the Display name visible on your WhatsApp profile. You can keep the business account name and display name the same.

    • Choose your relevant “Business category” from the available options.

    • Add a Business description and Website (both are optional).

    • Click “Next.”

Step 6: Add Phone Number

    • In the next page, Add the phone number you want to use with the WhatsApp Business API, along with the Country.

    • Choose the verification method (Text message or Phone call) click Next.

    • Enter the OTP received for verification and click “Done.”

Step 7: Permissions and Messaging Limit

    • Review and accept permissions related to your WhatsApp Business profile.

    • You will also see your daily messaging limit. Click “Allow” and then click “Finish.” This may take a few seconds to complete, so keep the WhatsApp panel tab in the background.

Step 8: Get Access Token

    • After completing these steps, the “Login with Facebook” button will show as .

    • Click on the “Get Access Token” and then click “Execute.” Wait for the process to complete.
    • Repeat the remaining steps up to the 7th step.

Step 9: Add Payment Method

    • In the 8th step, you need to add a Payment method (Credit or Debit card) to your WhatsApp Business manager profile.

    • Ensure that international transactions are enabled on the card, as your monthly billing for the messages will be charged to this card.
    • – Go to

      – Select the business account from which you’ve created the WhatsApp account.

      – In the left menu, click on “WhatsApp accounts.”

      – Choose your WhatsApp account and click on the “Settings” tab.

      – Click on “Payment settings.”

      – Then, click on “Add Payment Method.”

      – Select the currency and enter your Credit/Debit card details.

Step 10: Provide Business Info and TAX ID

– After adding and verifying your card, you need to enter your business information along with the TAX ID number.

– This information is necessary for billing purposes. Click on “Save” after entering the required business detail.


Step 10: Generate API Key

– Again navigate to the same setup page on your Whatsapp panel, and on the right side of the page, click on “API.”

– Here, you need to generate your API key. Click on “Re-generate” to create the key.


By following these steps, you can connect your phone number to WhatsApp Business API and start using it to enhance your customer interactions.

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