How to Create Contacts in Your Account!

Creating contacts in our WhatsApp marketing tool is easy. When someone messages your registered business WhatsApp number, their name and phone number are added automatically. You can also upload bulk contacts via an Excel sheet for efficient contact list management. This article walks you through the simple process of adding contacts manually and highlights essential data fields for future bulk campaigns.

Follow these steps to create a contact:

  1. Click on ‘Contacts’ in the top Menu bar. A new page will display your contacts in list view. If it’s empty, click on the ‘Add Contact‘ button in the top right corner.
  2. A sidebar form will appear where you can enter Contact details such as ‘Name,’ ‘Contact No,’ and ‘Email.’ Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  3. In the ‘Assign to’ field, select the user to whom you want to assign the contact.
  4. Select a stage to categorize your contact based on your marketing or sales funnel. Create stages by clicking ‘New Stage’ on the left side, enter the stage name (e.g., Fresh, Follow up, Interested), and clicking “Save.”
  5. Go back to ‘Add Contact‘ and enter the details. When selecting a Stage, your created stages will appear in the dropdown. Choose the relevant stage for the contact.
  6. Assign a tag to the contact, categorizing them by Interests, Behaviors, or Demographics. Tags can also define the source of contacts, such as Facebook or your Website.
  7. If you want to set a Reminder for the contact, choose a date from the Calendar. On the selected day, a Reminder will prompt you in your Dashboard, ensuring timely follow-ups and organized communication.
  8. Use the Message Opt-in feature to indicate if the contact has consented or subscribed to your services. Enable or disable accordingly.
  9. Besides default fields, we can create Additional fields to store more information about a Contact, such as their address or services availed by them, etc.
  10. Finally, Click on ‘Save‘ after filling in the information.

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